About Us


I was born and brought up in the beautiful Fiji Islands. I had a wonderful time absorbing all that I learned along with the atmosphere as I was growing up. I have a bachelors degree in Telecommunications Management and more than 10 years of experience in the corporate world.

I constantly improve myself by extracting wisdom from various books and constant learning with a lot of mentors.

I was stuck at one point in my life and literally did not know which way to turn.

I was hurt, I was down, I felt like I had lost everything. That is when I found out about paradigms. The more I studied about my paradigms, the more I was able to change my life and pretty soon everything turned around. I have great respect for what brought me to this knowledge. I am ever grateful for the power of understanding it has given me.

I love working with people, and taking them to success at an exponential level.

I make it possible by igniting the thinking elements of individuals within an organization by helping them unlock their true potential. This is a proven method of bringing teams together to work in a synergy where both the employees and the organization thrive.

I believe every individual has more potential than they are aware of. I have worked with this foundation with hundreds of people globally and have escalated their productivity and profitability to exponential levels. Let’s work together to inspire and achieve!

I had tried everything I know to achieve success but didn’t know what else to do. I was in the midst of massive frustration and facing gargantuan defeat. I was waiting for circumstances to work in my favor before I moved it up to the next level. But that never happened. No matter how much I wanted to change my circumstance, things kept on going out of my control. Until I discovered paradigms by Bob Proctor.Once I learned about this powerful secret, I decided immediately to work with Bob Proctor:

Bob Proctor is the number one prosperity mentor in all of Americas and he has been studying paradigms for over 50 years. I would say he is a pretty good authority on the subject and can show you how to get to your deepest desires.

Now that I am a consultant with Proctor and Gallagher Insitute, life is amazing. I meet with fascinating people, enjoy what I do and have an incredible zest for life. Check out my video from one of the meetup sessions I had.



Each moment i’m given a new opportunity to do and have anything I want.